Buying a house is a complicated process. A legal professional must ensure no issues with the property you buy. And, as with many things that involve legal professionals, it seems as if it takes forever! Is it possible to speed things up?

Property website, OnTheMarket, have today published their latest Property Sentiment Index Their report shows promising signs for the housing market, despite considerable headwinds as more seasonal norms begin to come back into play.

If you live in Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire or Wiltshire, autumn could well be the perfect time for you to sell up and move on. Yes, spring is often seen as the best time to sell, but we at Perry Bishop also find that autumn is a particularly buoyant time in the property market. Here are some of the reasons why.

Record asking prices are encouraging more people to sell up this summer, according to Rightmove. Welcome news for those of you keen to sell but struggling to find somewhere to move to.

The team here at Perry Bishop is often asked whether sellers in the Cotswolds and the Vale of the White Horse should find a property to buy before listing their home for sale on the property market. With this in mind, here is our expert advice. In our experience, you should list your property for sale before you find a new home.

It can seem impossible to save enough money to get onto the property ladder, so it isn’t too surprising that the typical first-time buyer in Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire and Wiltshire is getting older and older. As experts in the property industry, the team here at Perry Bishop has seen how the age of first-time buyers has gone up over the years.

Space and light are two key things that buyers and tenants are looking for when searching for a home in the Cotswolds or the Vale of the White Horse. Sadly, not every property has large windows or plenty of floor space.

We have found that currently many people in the Cotswolds and the Vale of the White Horse are questioning whether downsizing is the right choice for them. If your children have flown the nest, and with the cost of living increasing, you may be beginning to think about whether your existing home is suitable in the long term.

Perry Bishop’s New Homes Department, working in partnership with our dedicated Land and Development service, offers an exceptional ‘conception to delivery’ service for local, regional and national developers building homes in Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire and Wiltshire.

Homeownership is something that the majority of people in the UK strive for. The average age of first-time buyers in the UK in 2007 was 30. But, by the end of 2017, that had risen to 33. With rising house prices, how is the average person in the UK expected to get on the housing ladder?

Phil Spencer, of Location, Location, Location fame says that this little trick can increase the value of your home instantly!

You'll only look at the title deeds for a property in detail when you're either buying a new property or trying to sell one. Most of the time, the deeds are in the loft in a box of important documents or filed away somewhere safe. You're given them by the solicitor, but at that moment, you only want to get moved in, don't you?