MD, Phillip Bishop, ignores the New Year crystal ball and looks instead at what is actually happening to the property market at the moment.

Early-bird sellers benefit from busiest ever start to a New Year 2021’s housing market was defined by people’s sustained desire to move coupled with decreasing numbers of homes for sale, and this continues as we enter a busy New Year.

At Perry Bishop, we're here to make the process seamless and rewarding for you. Here's why you should consider us:

Thinking about the finer details is crucial when considering selling or letting a property. Our local property experts are committed to comprehensively monitoring:

Your property is one of your most valuable assets, so it's important to choose an agent that has your best interests at heart.

Capability and market knowledge continue to top the list of how prospective home movers choose their agents.

Tenants move out of their current rental due to various reasons. As a landlord, some of these reasons are out of your control, while others can be managed. Here are five of the most common reasons why renters choose to move on, and how you can possibly prevent the loss of a good tenant…

Thinking of starting afresh with a beautiful recolour for a new year? Here is how we are embracing a richer colour palette during the colder months…

As a nation of sun lovers when winter strikes it can sometimes get us down but this winter, get creative and spend a little time and effort in keeping your outdoor space usable.

First time buyers are finding it harder than ever to get the money together to finance their first home. As a result, many are turning to the Bank of Mum and Dad. Here’s what you need to know about helping your child buy a house in 2022…

Are you in the midst of deciding whether you should let your property furnished or unfurnished? Many factors come into play when making the decision, like the location, target market, and your return-on-investment goals.

2021 is set to be a record year for mortgage lending, according to data released by UK Finance, with projections for how the market performed in 2021 revealing that gross lending overall will peak this year at £316bn, a 31% rise on 2020.