As we approach the end of the year and look ahead to a new season in our lives, we start to make resolutions and goals to make the next year our year. High on the list every year is to find and move into a dream home, and 2021 could be the year you make this a reality…

Skip the jargon and understand what your home report means before you proceed with a sale – it will give you peace of mind and a little bit of extra understanding for your new home…

If your living space is small, it’s sometimes hard to de-clutter and see your home’s potential. Smart colour choices, storage and clever furniture arrangements are easy ways to create the illusion of space, however small the area.

Our top tips for getting through the colder months and protecting your home from the frost….

Buying a house is an exciting time, but it can often be a lengthy process. It’s good to know the main steps involved in purchasing a property before you begin, so you can manage your expectations and understand everything that’s involved.

If you’re looking to buy a property, you’re likely to have a number of thoughts running through your head but don’t worry as we’ve looked into the most common questions a potential homebuyer wants answered…

If you’ve decided to sell your home, your property must look, feel and ultimately be perfect for many potential buyers to even consider it. Use this easy advice to attract new owners.

Why is it that, in summer, we’re always eager to make some changes to our homes? Of course, this need is more profound this season, seeing as we’ve been spending most of our time indoors. And one of the easiest ways to update a space is with a fresh lick of paint.

Moving can be a long and stressful process, but the day that you finally wake up and realise you’re moving into a new property can be incredibly exciting. Follow our tips to ensure that day arrives sooner rather than later…

Buying a home can be a lot more expensive than you may think, and there are usually hidden costs that can end up adding more than 10% to your total property bill. The costs that come with owning and running a house can often surprise former renters, meaning their budgets don’t quite match their financial needs…

Securing a buy-to-let is a great long-term investment, but there can be a few headaches along the way, particularly when it comes to considering how to furnish your property. We’ve put together a quick and easy guide on how to get the most out of your property’s interior…

With gyms closed across the country, here’s how you can use your home to help you stay fit and healthy.