Interior Trends:  Furniture, Colours and styles for your home

Interior Trends: Furniture, Colours and styles for your home

Are you planning on giving your home a makeover? Maybe it's time to ditch that tired old rug and sofa you've been hanging on to for years and drag your home into a brand new year? For inspiration, here are some of the top interior trends that we absolutely love!


Homeowners are increasingly looking for ways in which to make their homes stand out, instead of the usual mass-produced, flat-pack furniture that's functional but not unique. Think antique sideboards and cabinets in dark shades of brown.

And the more unique the story is behind it, the better! Mooch around antique shops to find that perfect quirky piece.


As a society, we're more aware than ever of the damage that's being done to our planet, and that's reflected in the growing trend of buying individual items of furniture, instead of mass-produced products.

This also ties in with the vintage trend. Furniture that was built 50 years ago not only has its own story, but it will also have been built to last. A few scratches add to its character and it won't fall apart and get discarded so easily.

Multi-functional space

With the huge increase in people working from home, our houses have increasingly become our offices too.

For those who aren't lucky enough to have a dedicated space for a home office, the demand for multi-functional furniture is increasing.

Consequently, items such as storage ottomans are perfect for using as both a footrest at the end of a long day and also a place to store your laptop and any paperwork out of sight in the evening.


Not only have people been working from home more, they've also been spending more time at home in general, with many living rooms serving as an office, gym and bar at times, often on the same day!

As a result of this increased time spent indoors, the desire to declutter and make more use of the space available will be a growing trend.

This also relates to the trend of having multi-functional furniture and space.

Natural Materials

Furniture that's made from natural materials is also set to be a big hit, with designers constantly coming up with new ways of combining natural materials.

This can be anything from wood and marble to ceramics and metals as designers combine textures and styles.

Earthy Colours

One of the biggest trends set to drop is the use of earthy colours such as mustards, greens, beiges, blues and browns.

Colours that we associate with nature and the outdoors are going to be popular as people continue to reconnect with the outside environment and try to bring it into their homes.

Shades of Pink

Love them or hate them, soft and neutral shades of pink are another top trend when it comes to colours.

It's light and airy, which gives rooms a more spacious feel, and it goes with most other colours, so finding furniture to complement the colour scheme will be easy.

Ocean Waves and Distant Shores

The increased time we've all spent indoors has heightened many people's longing to get away and take a break, and that's reflected in the trend for colours that relate to soft sea blues and cloudless skies.

Blue is also a very tranquil and calming colour, so it's perfect for anyone who's spending more time indoors and looking to destress.

House Plants

Following on from the trend for earthy colours, indoor plants are also back in fashion.

Not only do plants add colour and life to a room, they also freshen the air and bring the outdoor environment into the home.

And with such a wide variety of plants to choose from, there's something suitable for any room in the house.


It's not just vintage furniture that's trending, any items that could be considered unique and individual are currently in fashion.

As we've been spending more time in our homes and less time in the office and out socialising, there's a noticeable shift towards stamping our own imprint on our homes. Rather than go for the tried and trusted functional furniture that we might have previously chosen, there's an increasing trend towards individual furniture that reflects our own personalities.

Think animal-shaped lamps and tropical theme light shades for example, or bright and bold statement rugs.

Call our experienced team today if you are thinking about your next move.

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