Smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms compulsory from 1st October

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms compulsory from 1st October

Landlords, a reminder that new regulations state that all rented properties in England must provide a carbon monoxide alarm in rooms used as living accommodation where there is a fixed combustion appliance, such as gas heaters and boilers, from the beginning of October 2022.

The new draft rules amend the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015 where previously the requirement only applied to solid fuel combustion appliances, such as wood burners. The rules will, however, not extend to gas cookers.

The amended rules (Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022) include a new requirement to ensure when a tenant reports to the landlord or letting agent that an alarm may not be in proper working order, the alarm must be repaired or replaced.

The Draft Statutory Instrument was laid before Parliament on 11 May 2022 and once approved will come into force on 1st October 2022.

article courtesy of Propertymark

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